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HR Technologies Logo

Dates and Venue

23 - 24 April 2025 | ExCeL London

Sponsorship Opportunities


Our sponsorship opportunities provide a successful way to get yourself in front of potential customers and position your brand as industry frontrunners, onsite at the event. All our packages provide easy, cost-effective ways to increase your company’s visibility and ensure maximum impact before, during and after the show.

Registration Sponsor

Registration Sponsor

Company logo and branding the first thing the visitors see when entering the show

Opportunity to provide registration staff with promotional t-shirts, items etc

Extensive branding visibility throughout the event and marketing coverage pre, during
and post show

Lanyards Sponsor

Lanyards Sponsor

Chance to provide your company’s branded lanyards to be worn by all visitors and delegates attending the event

Extensive branding visibility throughout the event and marketing coverage pre, during and post show

Keynote Theatre Sponsor

Keynote Theatre Sponsor

Your company logo and branding across the Keynote Theatre

E-Shot to delegate data and data capture of delegates that attend the Keynote Theatre who haven’t ‘opted out’

Extensive branding visibility throughout the event and marketing coverage pre, during
and post show

VisitorPlus Lounge Sponsor

VisitorPlus Lounge Sponsor

Your company logo and branding on the VIP Lounge

Data capture of the VIP’s that use the Lounge

Extensive branding visibility throughout the event and marketing coverage pre, during
and post show

Badge Sponsor

Badge Sponsor

Your company logo on all attendee badges

Your branding and brief company synopsis on all direct mail badges

Extensive branding visibility throughout the event and marketing coverage pre, during
and post show

Café Sponsor

Café Sponsor

Your company logo and branding on the cafe

Opportunity to provide promotional material, brochures etc on the tables

Extensive branding visibility throughout the event and marketing coverage pre, during
and post show

Seminar Pocket Plan

Seminar Pocket Plan

Branded pocket plan distributed to all attendees.

Extensive branding visibility throughout the event and marketing coverage pre, during
and post show

Find Out More

Find Out More

To discover the full range of possibilities afforded by our sponsorship opportunities, don't hesitate to get in touch with us!

Ask About Sponsorships